Archive Installation

Table of Contents


  1. Make sure you have downloaded the latest Linux binary to a directory that will not move or be deleted, and use Terminal to cd into it.

  2. Optional: use these checksum instructions to ensure the authenticity of your binary:

    # The command must in the same directory as the downloaded binary file
    wget -O- -q -T 1 -t 1 <url_to_checksum_file> | sha256sum -c
  3. Extract the .tar.gz. You can use the following command:

    tar xzf <openjdk_binary>.tar.gz
  4. Add this version of Java to your PATH

    export PATH=$PWD/<extracted_directory>/bin:$PATH
  5. Check that Java has installed correctly:

    java -version


  1. Make sure you have downloaded the latest macOS binary to a directory that will not move or be deleted, and use Terminal to cd into it.

  2. Optional: use these checksum instructions to ensure the authenticity of your binary:

    # The command must in the same directory as the downloaded binary file
    wget -O- -q -T 1 -t 1 <url_to_checksum_file> | sha256sum -c
  3. Extract the .tar.gz. You can use the following command:

    tar xzf <openjdk_binary>.tar.gz
  4. Add this version of Java to your PATH

    export PATH=$PWD/<extracted_directory>/Contents/Home/bin:$PATH
  5. Check that Java has installed correctly:

    java -version


  1. Make sure you have downloaded the latest Windows binary to a directory that will not move or be deleted, and use Command Prompt to cd into it.

  2. Optional: use these checksum instructions to ensure the authenticity of your binary:

    certutil -hashfile <downloaded_file>.zip SHA256
  3. Extract the .zip. You can use the following command:

    Expand-Archive -Path .\<downloaded_file>.zip -DestinationPath .
  4. Add this version of Java to your PATH:

    set PATH=%cd%\<extracted_directory>\bin;%PATH%
  5. Check that Java has installed correctly:

    java -version


  1. The last versions of Eclipse Temurin able to run on AIX 7.1 were 8u362, 11.0.18 and 17.0.8. Later versions require IBM XL C/C++ runtime package, available with the compiler or standalone, for AIX 13.1 for JDK8, and AIX 16.1 for JDK11+.

  2. Make sure you have downloaded the latest AIX binary to a directory that will not move or be deleted, and use Terminal to cd into it.

  3. Optional: use these checksum instructions to ensure the authenticity of your binary:

    # The command must in the same directory as the downloaded binary file
    wget -O- -q -T 1 -t 1 <url_to_checksum_file> | sha256sum -c
  4. Extract the .tar.gz. You can use the following command:

    gunzip -c <openjdk_binary>.tar.gz | tar xf -
  5. Add this version of Java to your PATH

    export PATH=$PWD/<extracted_directory>/bin:$PATH
  6. Check that Java has installed correctly:

    java -version


  1. Make sure you have downloaded the latest Solaris binary to a directory that will not move or be deleted, and use Terminal to cd into it.

  2. Optional: use these checksum instructions to ensure the authenticity of your binary:

    # The command must in the same directory as the downloaded binary file
    wget -O- -q -T 1 -t 1 <url_to_checksum_file> | sha256sum -c
  3. Extract the .tar.gz. You can use the following command:

    gunzip -c <openjdk_binary>.tar.gz | tar xf -
  4. Add this version of Java to your PATH

    export PATH=$PWD/<extracted_directory>/bin:$PATH
  5. Check that Java has installed correctly:

    java -version

  • gdams
  •  tellison
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